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Add a personalization tag to a campaign


Learn how to add dynamic content to your email marketing campaigns.

Personalization tags are fully customizable tags you use to personalize campaign content. For example, to add a personalized unsubscribe message, a forward-to-a-friend link, recipient information, and so on.

The following sections show some examples for adding personalization tags in your campaign.

Add recipient information

To add recipient information:

  1. In the campaign editor, drag and drop a Text item, or any item that can contain text, in a layout.

  2. Click the Text item to display the text toolbar.

  3. Enter the text that you want to use together with the recipient information. For example, Hello there,

  4. Click the Personalization Tags drop-down menu and select the recipient tag you want to use. You can select the tags for recipient name, email or mobile, or you can also select a recipient custom field. For example, City.


    If you add tags related to a recipient such as Recipient Name or Recipient Email, they will not work on test campaigns, because tests do not go through to actual subscriber lists.

    The tag for the recipient will be added to your text. You should see something like this:

    Hello there, #recipient:name|fallback#

    You can enter an alternative value as a fallback when your recipient doesn't have a value for that field.

Add date and time

To add date and time information:

  1. In the campaign editor, drag and drop a Text item, or any item that can contain text, in a layout.

  2. Click the Text item to display the text toolbar.

  3. Click the Personalization Tags drop-down menu and select Current date and time. Or you can use any of the following formats:

    • #datetime# - To show the current date and time.

    • #d# - To show a single digit day.

    • #dd# - To show a double-digit day.

    • #ddd# - To show a three-letter day.

    • #dddd# - To show a complete day.

    • #m# - To show a single digit month.

    • #mm# - To show a double-digit month.

    • #mmm# - To show a three-letter month.

    • #mmmm# - To show a complete month.

    • #yy# - To show a double-digit year.

    • #yyyy# - To show a complete year.

Add an unsubscribe link

To add an unsubscribe link:

  1. In the campaign editor, drag and drop a Text item, or any item that can contain text, in a layout.

  2. Click the Text item to display the text toolbar.

  3. Enter the text that you want to display as an unsubscribe link by typing it directly or pasting your text. For example, enter a sentence such as Click here to stop receiving these emails.

  4. Select the part of the text you want to use as a link, for example, select the word here and in the text toolbar, click Insert/edit link Icon_Link.png.

  5. In the Insert/Edit Link dialog, click the Personalization Tags drop-down menu and select Unsubscribe Link.

  6. Click Save.

Alternatively, you can directly go to the Personalization Tags drop-down in the text toolbar and select Unsubscribe Link. Your newsletter design displays the #unsubscribeLink# tag.

Add a forward-to-a-friend link

To add a forward-to-a-friend link:

  1. In the campaign editor, drag and drop a Text item, or any item that can contain text, in a layout.

  2. Click the Text item to display the text toolbar.

  3. Enter the text that you want to display as a forward-to-a-friend link by typing it directly or pasting your text.

  4. Select the part of the text you want to use as a link and in the text toolbar, click Insert/edit link Icon_Link.png.

  5. In the Insert/Edit Link dialog, in the Personalization Tags drop-down menu, select Forward to a Friend link.

  6. Click Save.

Add a double opt-in verification link

To add a double opt-in verification link:

  1. In the campaign editor, drag and drop a Text item, or any item that can contain text, in a layout.

  2. Click the Text item to display the text toolbar.

  3. Enter the text that you want to display as a double opt-in verification link by typing it directly or pasting your text.

  4. Select the part of the text you want to use as a link and in the text toolbar, click Insert/edit link Icon_Link.png.

  5. In the Insert/Edit Link dialog, in the Personalization Tags drop-down menu, select Double Opt-in Verification Link.

  6. Click Save.

Add a view-in-browser link

To add a view-in-browser link:

  1. In the campaign editor, drag and drop a Text item, or any item that can contain text, in a layout.

  2. Click the Text item to display the text toolbar.

  3. Click the Personalization Tags drop-down menu and select View in Browser.

  4. To edit the link, in the text toolbar, click Insert/edit link Icon_Link.png.

  5. In the Insert/Edit Link dialog, in the Text to display field, enter or edit the text you want to display as your view in browser link, then click Save.

Alternatively, you can directly paste the following into the body of your newsletter HTML:

<a href='http://#trackingDomain#/show_ campaign/#campaign:key#/#recipient:key#>View in browser</a>

Add a preferences link

To add a link for the preferences form:

  1. In the campaign editor, drag and drop a Text item, or any item that can contain text, in a layout.

  2. Click the Text item to display the text toolbar.

  3. Click the Personalization Tags drop-down menu and select Update Preferences Link.

  4. In the Insert/Edit Link dialog, in the Text to display field, enter or edit the text you want to display for your preferences link.

  5. Click Save.