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Email clipping


Learn about Gmail email clipping and how you can ensure your campaigns are not clipped.

Email clipping is a feature of Gmail that automatically hides the content of emails that exceed a certain length. The content of an email campaign consists of an underlying code that includes text, URLs, tracking codes, HTML styling, and other elements. Each character in the code is 1 to 2 bytes in size, so the total size of a campaign is the total bytes from all characters.

When Gmail clips an email campaign, it displays a link that says [Message clipped] View entire message and clips any tracking codes included in your campaign. This can potentially reduce the effectiveness of campaigns and decrease engagement rates. 

To prevent Gmail from clipping your campaigns and to ensure that all opens are properly tracked, you can:

  • Keep the email size below 102 kilobytes - we recommend an email size below 102 kilobytes. By optimizing your email content and keeping it within this size limit, you can ensure that your full email campaign gets seen by your subscribers.

  • Change your subject line when sending a test campaign - because Gmail groups emails with the same subject line into one email thread, sending a test campaign with the same subject line can result to a very long email. You can change the subject line for test campaigns or delete previous test campaigns in your inbox, so that Gmail doesn't clip your email.

  • Remove any formatting code when you paste campaign content - when you copy content from an external source, you sometimes paste content that contains formatting codes. To exclude extra codes that can increase your email size, you should copy and paste content as plain text.

  • Minimize unnecessary content - if you have a long campaign, you can reduce its content, for example, by deleting unnecessary images. After you cut your content, you can send a test campaign to check if Gmail still clips your email. You can also save the source code of a test campaign to check its actual file size.

  • Add links to your email - if it is not possible to reduce your campaign content, you can add a View in browser link to redirect recipients to the full campaign. This also ensures that campaign opens can be tracked.