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Use the API key to connect to the Moosend web API


Learn how to pass a valid API key in requests to the Moosend web API.

All API calls require authentication. This is essential for security reasons, but also for the API to identify the user who is making the call so that appropriate results are returned. You achieve authentication through the use of an API key.

You must pass a valid API key in each request to the Moosend API. This is a unique key for each account in our system that you use to integrate Moosend with your favorite apps and/or your own applications. You can get your API key from the settings page.

To get your API key:

  1. On the menu bar, click More > Settings.

  2. On the menu on the left, click API key.

  3. On the API Key page, click Copy or click Generate API key if you require a new key.

  4. Specify the key as a parameter in the query string of the requesting URL. For example:


    Keep your unique API key safe to avoid any unauthorized external access to your account.