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Add and edit landing page items


Use the image, text, timer, social share, social follow, video, and product items to customize your landing page.

After you have created a landing page layout in the landing page editor, you can add different items to customize your landing page.

Add an image item

The image item allows you to add an image to your landing page.

To add an image item:

  1. In the landing page editor, in the left pane on the Items tab, click Image.

  2. Drag the image item to an empty layout.

  3. Double-click the image item to select it, or drag your image into the item.

  4. In the right-hand pane, you can change the following settings:

    • Change the background color, set alignment, add padding, height, width, and image border radius.

    • Set a link URL and enter an alternative text to be displayed if the image cannot be displayed.

    • Crop your image and adjust its size.

    • Change your image using the image picker.

    • Remove your image.

Add a text item

The text item allows you to add a text to your landing page.

To add a text item:

  1. In the landing page editor, in the left pane, on the Items tab, click Text.

  2. Drag the text item to an empty layout.

  3. Click the text item to enter your text.


    Use the AI writer to generate text suggestions, add emojis, and much more.

  4. In the text toolbar, you can use the editing options, as well as:

    • Upload a file - click File to upload a file. Drag a file into the field or browse to add a new file, or select a recent file from the list. To remove a file from the upload list, click Remove_file_icon.png.

    • Check spelling - click Spellcheck.png to set the dictionary language for spell check.


    To change the color of bullet points in a text element, navigate to the general settings on the left, select Text > Default Font Color, and adjust the color as desired.

Add a button item

The button item allows you to add a button to your landing page.

To add a button item:

  1. On the landing page editor, in the left pane on the Items tab, click Button.

  2. Drag the button item to an empty layout.

  3. In the right-hand pane, you can use the following editing options.

    • Set the color of the background, the button, the label, and the border.

    • Add the link that opens when the user clicks the button.

    • Edit the name of the button.

    • Use the styling options to edit the style of the button label.

    • Format the button by setting the dimensions.

Add an article item

The article item lets you add a content block that consists of a text part and an image part.

To add an article item:

  1. In the landing page editor, on the Items tab in the left pane, click Article.

  2. Drag the article item to an empty layout.

  3. Double-click the article item to select an image or drag your image into the item.

  4. In the right-hand pane, you can change the following settings:

    • Change the background color, set alignment, add padding, height, width, and image border radius.

    • Set a link URL and enter an alternative text to be displayed if the image cannot be displayed.

    • Switch the positions of the image and the text in the Image position section.

    • Crop your image and adjust its size.

    • Change your image using the image picker.

    • Remove your image.

Add a spacer item

The spacer item adds space or a line between items in your landing page.

To add a spacer item:

  1. On the landing page editor, in the left pane on the Items tab, click Spacer.

  2. Drag the spacer item to an empty layout,

  3. To set the background color and height, click the spacer and edit the settings in the right pane.

Add a social share item

The social share item lets you provide a link that your subscribers can share on social media.

To add a social share item:

  1. On the landing page editor, in the left pane, on the Items tab, click Social share.

  2. Drag the social share item to an empty layout.

Edit the settings of a social share item

You can edit the settings of your social share.

To edit the settings of a social share item, click the social follow item inside your design and in the right-hand Social Share pane:

  • To change the item's background color, click the icon in the Background Color field and select a color from the palette.

  • To remove a social share item from your design, click the social media icon that you want to remove. A removed icon is be displayed unavailable in the pane.

  • To add the link that your subscribers can share when they click any of the social share buttons, fill out the Share URL field.

  • To edit the styling, set spacing, choose alignment, and icon style.

Add a social media item

The social media item lets your recipients follow your social media accounts.

To add the social follow item:

  1. On the landing page editor, in the left pane, on the Items tab, click Social Media.

  2. Drag the social media item to an empty layout.

Edit the settings of a social media item

You can remove any unnecessary social media icons and connect the remaining ones to your social media accounts.

To edit your social media account settings:

  1. Click the social media item inside your design.

  2. To remove, move, or duplicate the social media item, hover your mouse over it and click the corresponding toolbar icon.

  3. In the right-hand Social Media pane in the Social Settings section, insert your social media URL in the relevant fields.

Add a HTML item

You can add an HTML item to use your own HTML code or embed available HTML content blocks in your newsletter. You can then add your preferred HTML script or code snippet in the item to customize your design.

To add an HTML item:

  1. On the campaign editor page, in the left pane under Items, click HTML.

  2. Drag the HTML item to an empty layout.

  3. Click the item to display the HTML settings in the right-hand pane of the editor.

  4. In the HTML content field, copy and paste the HTML code snippet you want to use in the design and then press Enter on your keyboard.

Add a timer item

The timer item allows you to add a countdown timer to the email template. The timer shows how much time remains for the recipient to respond. This can help to add urgency to a landing page.

To add the timer item:

  1. On the landing page editor, in the left pane, on the Items tab, click Timer.

  2. Drag the timer item to an empty (full width) layout.

  3. Click the timer item to specify the display details of your timer. You can set the following:

    • Theme - the options are Plain and Boxes. The Boxes theme adds adjustable boxes inside the timer (days, hours, minutes, seconds). You can select a box color, box radius, border color, and border width.

    • Expiration Date - choose the date and time for your timer to expire.


      The timer expiration date and time is based on your time zone and expires at the same time for all users. For example, if you set your timer to expire in 5 hours, it expires for everyone, regardless of their time zone, in 5 hours.

    • Font Family - choose the font types for the label letters and counter numbers of the timer.

    • Label Color - choose a color for the labels under each counter.

    • Timer Color - choose a color for the numbers on the counters.

  4. Click Generate Timer.

Add a video item

The video item allows you to add an online video to your landing page.

To add the video item:

  1. On the landing page editor, in the left pane, on the Items tab, click Items.

  2. Drag the video item to an empty layout.

  3. Click the video item to specify the following settings:

    • Background Color - click to select a background color. By default set to Transparent.

    • Video URL - enter the video URL and click Upload_icon.png to upload.

    • Padding - add a value (in pixels) if you want to add space around your video.

    • Image Picker - click to upload a custom cover image for your video.

    • Show Play Icon - select the check box to display a play icon.

Add a form item

The form item allows you to add a subscription form to your landing page.

To add the form item:

  1. In the landing page editor, in the left pane under Items, click Form.

  2. Drag the form item to a layout in the editing area.

  3. Click the form item to specify the display details of your form. You can set the following:

    • Change the background color, shadow, width, padding, and border color.

    • Form Type - click Normal to display the button under the email field or Inline to display the email field and the button side by side.

    • On Submit - in the drop-down menu, choose what happens when the user submits the form. Select one of the options:

      • Display success/error message

      • Redirect to page

      • Redirect to external URL

      To view the chosen On Submit option in the editing area, select the Preview message check box.

    • Select Mailing List - in the drop-down menu, select a mailing list.

  4. To add or edit custom fields, based on the selected mailing list, click Edit Custom fields. The Custom Field Settings dialog appears.


    If you make any changes to the selected email list's custom fields, the form does not automatically reflect the changes. You must reselect the email list for the form item to get the updates.

  5. Set the appropriate styles using the drop-down options:

    • Field Styles

    • Label Styles

    • Placeholder Styles

    • Button Styles

  6. You can add a wheel of fortune to allow a customer to spin the wheel to get a coupon code in return for submitting their email address. To enable the wheel of fortune:

    • Select the Enable wheel check box.

    • Set the padding and wheel size.

    • Click Edit slices to open the Slices dialog and define the type, label, coupon code, color and probability of each slice, then click Save. You can add up to 10 slices.

    • In the Success message editor, edit the success message and the coupon code.

  7. To protect your site from spam and abuse, expand ReCaptcha Settings and select the Enable ReCaptcha check box, then set the appropriate alignment and margins.

  8. Select the Add a checkbox for GDPR check box.

    • In the Label field, edit the default message.

    • In the Legal text field, add a legal text.

Add a preference form item

The form item allows you to add a preference field to your landing page.

  1. In the landing page editor, in the left pane click Items.

  2. Click Preferences and drag the item to a layout in the editing area.

  3. Click on the preferences form to specify the display details. You can set the following:

    • Change the background color, shadow, width, padding, and border color.

    • On Submit - in the drop-down menu, choose what happens when the user submits the form. Select one of the options:

      • Display success/error message

      • Redirect to page

      • Redirect to external URL

      • To view the chosen On Submit option in the editing area, select the Preview message check box.

    • Select Mailing List - in the drop-down menu, select a mailing list.

  4. To edit your preferences field options based on your selected mailing list, click Edit Custom Fields. Locate your preferences field and click Prefill Value and select an option from the dropdown.

  5. On the Preferences field set the same Field type as you have chosen within your Email list.

    You can choose one of the following option styles:

    1. If the data type is set as Single Select:

      • Single select drop-down

      • Radio button group

    2. If the data type is set as Multi Select

      • Checkbox group

      • Multi select drop-down

  6. Set the appropriate styles using the drop-down options:

    • Field Styles

    • Label Styles

    • Placeholder Styles

    • Button Styles

Prefill a Field with URL Parameters

Prefilling form fields with URL parameters helps streamline the process by automatically populating specific fields with predefined values. To set this up, you must start from a page where relevant data is passed through the URL to the form.

Before proceeding, ensure that the custom field (such as email, role, or last name) exists both in your mailing list and on the form. This field can be a hidden one if necessary. Once the field is created, identify the specific field on the form that you wish to prefill. For instance, it could be the "email," "role," or "last name" field. After determining the field, find the corresponding URL parameter that will be used to pass the data into the form.

The next step is preparing the URL with the appropriate parameter. If the form URL ends with a "?", simply append the parameter directly to it for example ? If the URL does not end with a "?", use an "&" to append the parameter like the following &

For parameters with multiple words such as "last name", be sure to use URL encoding to replace spaces with "%20" for example ?last%20name=Smith. If you need to prefill multiple fields, you can chain the parameters together in the URL. For example, to prefill email, role, and last name, the URL would look like:


If you are working with date fields, ensure the parameter is formatted as yymmdd for instance ?date=230225. This ensures the date field is populated correctly.

It’s important to note that any values passed in the URL will override any pre-existing values that may have been prefixed in the form. For example, if a hidden field for "role" already has a value but the URL includes ?role=productmanager, the field will be populated with the value from the URL.

After setting up the URL, be sure to test the form to ensure that the fields are correctly prefilled. This functionality is available for text-based fields and date fields, but dynamic fields are not supported. The values passed in the URL are static and will not change based on user interaction or other conditions. By following these guidelines, you can efficiently prefill form fields using URL parameters, enhancing the user experience and simplifying form submissions.